Finding an affordable and flexible online undergraduate degree program can be a game-changer for those who are financially or geographically constrained. In recent years, online degrees have bridged the financial and geographical gap for those wanting to earn a degree. I've compiled a list of top schools offering budget-friendly online undergrad degree programs that cater to diverse needs and career aspirations. Most of these schools are not faith-based, but each has a reputation for providing quality education and ensuring their programs are accessible to everyone. Whether you're looking to advance in your current field or embark on a new career path, these schools offer the flexibility and affordability you need to achieve your educational goals without breaking the bank.
The schools in the list below:
Are fully accredited
Have a tuition rate of $500 per unit or less
Offer low tuition or in-state tuition rates for online students
Feature more than one online degree program
Vary in being on a quarter system or semester system
Please take time to check out the various degree programs at any school that might interest you. I have endeavored to list the most recent tuition rates, though it is still your responsibility to investigate all aspects of the schools and their programs.
If you want a bachelor's in ministry, theology, biblical studies, etc., check out my blog post on online undergraduate degrees in such fields.
The list will be updated as I learn about schools offering new programs.
Tuition-free ($100 or so for an exam fee at the end of each course)
Tuition is set at a flat rate of $2,250 per semester/subscription period, covering as many courses as you can finish.
$3,755 per 6-month term for as many courses as you can finish.
$75-$300 a unit
***$75 a unit for the Bachelor of General Studies (Speedway program)
$145 a unit
$150 a unit
$150 a unit
$169 a unit
$170 a unit
$182 a unit
$185 a unit
$193 a unit
$199 a unit
$208 a unit
$208 a unit
$218-$227 a unit
$104-$116 a unit (Florida residents)
$219-$438 a unit
$220 a unit
$232 a unit
$233 a unit
$234-$289 a unit
$240 a unit
$240 a unit
$243 a unit
$251 a unit
$256 a unit
$257 a unit
$260 a unit
$270 a unit
$272 a unit
$275 a unit
$276 a unit
$277 a unit
University of Wisconsin (various schools within the system)
$279-$395 (average is around $350 a unit)
$280 a unit
$286 a unit
$290-379 a unit
$290 a unit
$295 a unit
$299 a unit
$299 a unit
$304 a unit
$301-$325 a unit
$305 a unit
$306 a unit
$307 a unit
$308 a unit
$309 a unit
$312 a unit
$314 a unit
$320 a unit
$321 a unit
$325 a unit
$325 a unit
$329 a unit
$329 a unit
$330 a unit
$330 a unit
$333 a unit
$340 a unit
$340 a unit
$340 a unit
$346 a unit (based on 12 units a semester)
$350 a unit
$350 a unit
***$250 a unit for active duty service members & their family; $315 a unit for veterans & their family
$350 a unit
***$250 a unit for active duty service members & their family; $315 a unit for veterans & their family
$350-$415 a unit
***$75 a unit for credit for prior learning
$353 a unit
$354 a unit
$356 a unit
$358 a unit
$358-$500 a unit
$362 a unit
$367 a unit
$370 a unit
$370 a unit
$371 a unit (Most programs)
$315 a unit (Nursing program)
$375 a unit
$375 a unit
$378-$475 depending on the degree program
$380 a unit
$382 a unit
$385 a unit
$390-$455 a unit
$394 a unit
$395 a unit
$395-$455 a unit
$395-$450 a unit
$395 a unit
$395 a unit
$398 a unit
$398 a unit (regular tuition)
$218 a unit (for Wesleyan pastors)
$298 a unit (for pastors)
$398 a unit
$399 a unit
$399 a unit
$407 a unit
$410 a unit
$412-$466 a unit
Herzing University
$415 a unit
$424 a unit
$425 a unit
$430 a unit
$430-$450 a unit (Most programs)
$300 a unit (BS in Nursing)
$445 a unit
$450 a unit
$450 a unit
$451-$475 a unit
$460 a unit
$462 a unit
$475 a unit
$480-$495 a unit
$485 a unit (Most programs)
$455 a unit (Education and Science programs)
$410 a unit (Theology programs)
$340 a unit (RN to BSN programs)
$495 a unit
$499 a unit
$500 a unit
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