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Caleb Kaltenbach
Mar 26, 2023
A Tuition-Free Online Accredited University
University of the People is a global online university based in Pasadena, CA, that was named the top online tuition-free school in the US.
Caleb Kaltenbach
Jun 29, 2020
Mississippi Defeats The Confederacy, But It's Not Over
After 126 years, the Confederate emblem is being removed from the Mississippi flag. Yup, you read that correctly... 126 years! In 1894...
Caleb Kaltenbach
Jun 26, 2020
Confederate Flags & Mississippi's Flag Are Worse Than Nickelback
If you're passionate or indifferent about the flag, you know what it means to you. What does the Confederate Battle Flag mean to others?
Caleb Kaltenbach
Oct 17, 2019
Parenting, Racism & Loss
I had the chance to sit down and talk with my friend, James Townsend. He's a former NFL player & current weightlifter--- but believes...
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