I'm Caleb
I love Jesus!!!!
I also love people, enjoy speaking & writing,
studying theology, rooting for the Chiefs, geeking out on
Star Wars, and am glad Thanos lost.
About Me

Caleb Kaltenbach is Research Pastor at Shepherd Church in Los Angeles and founder of The Messy Grace Group where he helps churches love and foster community with LGBTQ individuals without sacrificing theological convictions. He's the author of Messy Truth, God of Tomorrow, and Messy Grace (where he discusses being raised in the LGBTQ community, following Jesus, and how loving others doesn’t require shifting beliefs).
Besides speaking, writing, and consulting, Caleb has been guest with or featured in The New York Times, Fox and Friends, The Glenn Beck Show, The Eric Metaxas Show, Christianity Today, Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, Church Leaders Podcast, The 700 Club, unSeminary Podcast, Moody radio shows, Q Ideas Podcast, Dallas Seminary Table Podcast, and more.
A graduate of Ozark Christian College and Talbot School of Theology (Biola University), he received his doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary. In addition to having served as a lead pastor and associate pastor, Caleb has served on the boards of ministries and colleges. He and his family live in Southern California.

In a time when we’re pressured to choose between convictions and compassion, my friend Caleb urges us to stand for both. His experiences, beliefs, ministry, and empathy make him a needed voice in today’s culture.
~Carey Nieuwhof, Author of Didn't See It Coming

Caleb’s ability to help us adhere to both biblical truth and grace towards the LGTBQ community has been a blessing to the body of Christ!! His ministry has enriched my life and others greatly!
~Bryan Carter, Senior Pastor, Concord Church

Caleb is a trusted person of character who connects with all types of people. He has a profound ability to see things from fresh angles, presents his ideas in compelling ways, and his love for others is contagious.
~Jud Wilhite, Senior Pastor, Central Church & author of Pursued

I am so grateful for Caleb Kaltenbach’s book Messy Grace... it contains everything I have been attempting to communicate over the years when it comes to how Christians should relate to the LGBT community.
~Jackie Hill Perry, Author, Bible Teacher, Hip-Hop Artist

As our churches and our world become increasingly polarized on the complicated issues of life, Caleb Kaltenbach’s ideas are a welcome voice of warmth and biblical clarity.
~John Townsend, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of the Boundaries series

After Caleb spoke at my church, the social media world was abuzz with this being one of the best sermons they had ever heard. He has a heart for people and it shows in his attitude.
~Mark Lee, Lead Pastor, Vantage Point Church

Caleb is the perfect leader for times like this. He is a great thinker and a compelling communicator. He is the best I have seen at teaching this generation to love everyone without sacrificing their convictions.
~Ray Johnston, Senior Pastor, Bayside Church

Kaltenbach is a voice of hope for Christians struggling to remain at ease despite the uncertainties of today.
~Barry Corey, President, Biola University & author of Loving Kindness

My friend Caleb not only has a heart for God and people, but he’s passionate about helping churches to understand how to love people well.
~Dr. Efrem Smith, Author, Co-Lead Pastor, Midtown Covenant Church- Sacramento

Caleb’s life story is rich with diversity and has given him truly unique insights as to how people see both Christians and the Church. His understanding of how God’s grace practically applies to all the messy situations church leaders have to deal with is refreshing and truly helpful.
~Mark Montemayor, Leadership & Strategic Planning Consultant

Caleb has been a great asset to our ministry. He is so easy to work with, an excellent leader & understands what it truly means to love people while simultaneously following and obeying Christ.
~Heather Mahoney, Next Gen Director, Crossroads Grace Church

I love Caleb’s disarming style of delivering tough, enduring truths. He is an authentic voice for this generation.
~Dennis Rainey, CoFounder of FamilyLife, a CRU Ministry
Caleb's Books, Studies & Devotionals (click on image below)
Speaking Request & Contact Form

Caleb is the voice that the church has needed. His testimony gives him unmatched credibility to be heard and respected on both sides of the LGBTQ discussion. He has helped our church walk confidently in the tension of grace and truth that Jesus Himself demonstrated. I can’t thank Caleb enough for all he’s done.
~Brian Hunt, Senior Pastor, Crossroads Grace Community Church