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Graduate & Doctoral Degrees in New Testament via Distance Learning

Writer's picture: Caleb KaltenbachCaleb Kaltenbach

Updated: Jul 24, 2024

Throughout the years, New Testament Studies has been one of the most popular majors in biblical and theological-based degrees. As such, theological learning institutions have designed more programs with a New Testament major. Also, in a post-quarantine world, there are more distance learning avenues for people to earn those degrees. Below is a list of some schools that offer New Testament graduate degrees via distance learning. If interested, please continually check this blog post, as this list will be updated often.

Sections Below

US-based Degree Abbreviations

Master of Divinity = M.Div.; Master of Arts = M.A.; Master of Theological Studies = M.T.S.; Master of Theology = Th.M.; Master of Sacred Theology = S.T.M.; Doctor of Ministry = D.Min.; Doctor of Philosophy = Ph.D.; Th.D. = Doctor of Theology

Overseas Degree Abbreviations

Master of Philosophy = MPhil; Master of Theology = MTh; Master of Research = MRes; MLitt = Master of Literature

Study Mode

O = online; M = modular; LS = live streaming; R = research-based study; H = Hybrid of online & modular

Please Note

***The US-based Master of Theology- ThM degree usually requires students to have already earned a graduate degree in ministry or theology before being admitted to the program, whereas that is not always the case with the overseas-based Master of Theology- MTh programs.

***Each of these programs is nationally or regionally accredited (and many hold both national and regional accreditation).

1. M.Div. degrees

Denver Seminary (O)

Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan University (H)

Gardner-Webb University (O, LS, H)

MDiv in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Grace Theological Seminary (O)

MDiv in Exegetical Studies (New Testament electives)

Maranatha Seminary at Maranatha Baptist University (O, LS)

Northern Seminary (LS)

Portland Seminary at George Fox University (H or O)

M.Div in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Regent University (O)

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (O or/and LS)

2. M.A. & M.T.S. degrees

Abilene Christian University (O)

Andrews University (O, LS, H)

MA in Religion (New Testament emphasis)

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at Evangel University (O)

MA in Theological Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Calvin Theological Seminary (O)

Capital Seminary at Lancaster Bible College (H or O)

MA in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Cornerstone Theological Seminary at Cornerstone University (O, LS)

Denver Seminary (O)

Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan University (H)

Freed-Hardeman University (LS)

Global University (O)

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (H)

MA in Theological Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Harding School of Theology at Harding University (H)

Hazelip School of Theology at Lipscomb University (O or H)

Johnson University (O)

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (O)

MA in Biblical Studies (New Testament & Greek emphasis)

North Central University (O)

Northern Seminary (LS)

Portland Seminary at George Fox University (H or O)

MA in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (H)

Southern California Seminary (O)

MA in Biblical Studies (New Testament & Greek emphasis)

Talbot School of Theology at Biola University (O)

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School at Trinity International University (O)

Trinity School for Ministry (O, LS)

MA in Religion & Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Turner School of Theology at Amridge University (O)

William Jessup University (H)

MA in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis with electives)

3. Th.M. & S.T.M. degrees

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at Evangel University (H)

Beeson Divinity School at Samford University (H, O)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Bob Jones University (H, LS, O)

Calvin Theological Seminary (LS)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Central Baptist Theological Seminary- Plymouth, MN (M)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Columbia Theological Seminary- Decatur, GA (H)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Cornerstone Theological Seminary at Cornerstone University (O)

Dallas Theological Seminary (H)

***Details on the major are in the catalog

Denver Seminary (H or LS)

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary (H, LS, O)

Erskine Theological Seminary (O) Th.M. in New Testament

Gateway Seminary (H)

Th.M. in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Grace School of Theology (O)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Hellenic College (O)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Institute of Lutheran Theology (O, LS)

The Master's Seminary (M)

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (H)

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (H)

Th.M. in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Regent Divinity School at Regent University (O)

Th.M. in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary (O)

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (H)

Southern California Seminary (H)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (O)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Toronto Baptist Seminary (R)

Th.M. (New Testament emphasis)

Western Seminary (H)

Westminster Theological Seminary (M)

4. International Graduate degrees

Regent College (H)

MA in Theological Studies (New Testament concentration)

Philipps-Universität Marburg (M)

Mag.Theol. (New Testament)

South African Theological Seminary (R)

MTh (New Testament)

Toronto Baptist Seminary (R)

Union Theological College (R)

University of Aberdeen (R)

MTh or MLitt (New Testament emphasis)

University of Otago (R)

University of Sheffield (R)

MPhil (New Testament emphasis)

University of South Africa (O + R)

The University of Wales- Trinity Saint David (R)

MRes in Biblical Interpretation (New Testament emphasis)

5. Professional doctorate degrees

Houston Theological Seminary at Houston Christian University

Liberty University

DMin in Biblical Studies (with a New Testament focus via dissertation)

Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan University

DMin with a New Testament emphasis via research & dissertation

Northern Seminary

Shepherds Theological Seminary

DMin in Advanced Biblical & Theological Studies (New Testament emphasis via dissertation)

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

DMin in Biblical & Theological Studies (New Testament emphasis via dissertation)

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Western Seminary

DMin in Biblical Languages for Ministry (New Testament emphasis via dissertation)

6. International Doctorate degrees

7. Ph.D. & Th.D. degrees

Andrews University

Ph.D. in Religion (New Testament emphasis)

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at Evangel University

Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation & Theology (New Testament Studies & Biblical Theology)

Bob Jones University (H, LS, O)

Calvary University

Ph.D. in Bible & Theology (New Testament emphasis)

Capital Bible Seminary at Lancaster Bible College

Ph.D. in Biblical Studies / New Testament

Columbia Biblical Seminary at Columbia International University

*modified European model- 2 classes while the rest is research

Dallas Theological Seminary

Gateway Seminary

Ph.D. in Biblical Studies / New Testament

Institute of Lutheran Theology

Ph.D. in New Testament

Kearley Graduate School of Theology at Faulkner University 

MPhil degree earned en route to Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Biblical Studies / New Testament

The Master's Seminary

Ph.D. in New Testament

Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary

Ph.D. in New Testament

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ph.D. in New Testament

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

*ThM degree earned en route to PhD

Ph.D. in New Testament

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Ph.D. in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Regent Divinity School at Regent University

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ph.D. in New Testament

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary *ThM degree earned en route to PhD

Ph.D. in Biblical Studies (New Testament emphasis)

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

*Most of the degree is offered using the FLEX format

Ph.D. in New Testament

Turner School of Theology at Amridge University

United Theological Seminary

Th.D. (you can take New Testament electives & dissertation)

8. NT Related degrees

George Mason University

Houston Theological Seminary at Houston Christian University (H)

MA in Classics & Early Christianity in Biblical Languages

University of Florida

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© 2025 by Caleb Kaltenbach

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